Saturday, June 2, 2012

Catch Up On All The New Items!

HIYA JAMMERZ! Sorry I didn't post yesterday on the Squishies. And the Scoop -.-.
I was out all day, but I had a really great time! So.....what do we have here..... some new
items, and new things! Ok, let's get started! :-)

There's a new Crystal Carrot for your
den at the Bunnies Only Party. (Thanks
Lovelost for the pic/TwinkleLittleNinja.

Also, so you know how there is that Beta Tiara? The one that came out of stores?
If you don't know it, AJ took it out of the stores and it's green with a purple gem.

Real one:

And here's the
same exact one
that you can find
in stores. Accept with
a red gem instead of purple:

But now, there's yet another tiara that has been taken out of stores!
It's white with a hot pink gem! :-)

(This pic is
from LoveLost's
blog. Thanks LoveLost!)

Here are the ones that you can find in stores that are similar to this!


Next, the monthly gift has been sent out! I hope all the member jammers recieve it!

Here's the Jam-A-Gram:

The Gift:

Here are all the different kinds of them:


There's a new Bunny Throne at the
Bunnies Only Party!

And lastly, there are new Nunchucks
at Epic Wonders. Bai! :-)

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