Sunday, March 4, 2012

Beta times part 2!

Hey guys! So this is the beta pictures post continued. I found some new pictures! Remember to watch out for beta items such a tan gazelle horns! Take a look!

                                          In beta times The Temple Of Zios was a little different.
                                          As you can see instead of a phantom pit there is a monkey
                                          statue. Also the game icons were signs not floating purple
                                          controllers. In beta times the animals' name tags were
                                          different. Where the name was was tan. Towards the
                                          end of the name tag there is a paw print. From this picture
                                          you can tell that the color of the paw print comes in a
                                          variety of colors. See the koala to the right of the screen?
                                          He is wearing tan gazelle horns! Cool right?

                                          Crystal Sands looked like this since July 2011. Then AJ
                                          HQ changed it and made it with three water slides! As
                                          you can see there are a lot of beta colored animals in this
                                          picture. Also in beta times leaf necklaces were brighter
                                          and only came in one color. That one color is green.

                                          In beta times Sarepia Forest was just called Sarepia.
                                          Sarepia looked a little different. It had different paths
                                          in the treetops. Also, under where the campfire is were
                                          giant mushrooms.

                                          The Chamber of Knowledge was a little different during
                                          beta times. It was called the Chamber of Mysteries not
                                          the Chamber of Knowledge. It had a different set-up. As
                                          you can see the things in the background are different.
                                          Also the Chamber of Mysteries only has two floors. See
                                          that wolf with the green top hat? Awesome right?

                                  That's all the beta pictures I have for now! I might find some more!
                                   So for now enjoy! :-)


  1. Ello, Fellow Squishy! Nice blog, although aren't these May's pictures? She asked for credit if you were to use them on your blog....js'

    Anyways, SYIJ!


    Oh Btw please check out my blog:

  2. Who is May? And I got the pictures from the blog called "Animaljam All Around." :) C ya! :)

