Saturday, May 12, 2012

New item and Glitches!

HIYA! I got some pretty cool things for you today.
But before you read anything, remember that the
pics of the glitches are all from Lovelost's blog. Ok!
Here we go! :-)

Finally!!! A Moon Necklace came
out that is for nonmembers and members!
YES! Lolz.

Here is the new "AJ Is Offline" sign.

Pics From Lovelost's Blog:

Well first of all: AJ changed Lovelost's character name
and her colors! When she logged on her horse was pink
with purple polka dots! Weird eh? Also, her eye color
isn;t even on the pallete! Weird too....

There are stars on a BUDDY REQUEST Jam-a-gram!

All Lovelst's items are gone! No!! :-(

Horses get freedom items in races.
This is probably not a glitch. Just
AJ having a little fun!

Here's the PLlay Pro style of Jamaa Derby.

Pro Mode is the same thing as the regular style except
with mroe obstacles and a smaller course.

And when you win Pro Mode,
you get a shiny first place medal
next to you! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hey it's me Zeldagirl from Transformice.. Awesome blog you have here! =3
