Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lemonfreeze12 quit!

Hey guys! Today I have a sad post for you. Lemonfreeze12 has decided to quit. He is not kidding or lying about this one. He is leaving because of family problems that he does not like to talk about. He will be leaving today. Sadly, obviously, he will never be returning. Guys, please say your last goodbyes in comments or simply, on Animal Jam. We will miss him a lot! :-(

 I'll miss the fun times I had with him. :-(


  1. idk stall i dont think he actually quit :T i mean he still has all of his rares, if most ppl quit for good they usually give em' away. plus how come i didnt know about this? im like 1 of his best friends, right? im a bit suspicious.

  2. Shaw is Taking It Really HArd :(

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
