Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Summer Carnival Is Here!

HIYA JAMMERZ! The new update has FINALLY COME!
And the Summer Carnival, is SUPER cool! I can't wait to buy
all the stuff they sell there! Well, I'm not gonna make you wait
any longer so....TAKE A LOOK! :-)

Here is page 1:

My last post is about hummingbird pets, so be sure to read it if you want to know more about the new pets.

Page 2:

The Summer Carnival is here! You can get there by clicking the sign in the Jamaa Journal, or from the Parties icon on the top-left corner.

There will be a new post about the carnival up pretty soon!

Page 3:

There is another contest, this time for a new pet! All entries are due by June 17th.
Page 4:

Penguins will become nonmember animals in 2 weeks! Of course, they make us wait longer... D:
But now we can have up to 300 den items! I don't know about you, but I need more clothing slots and buddy slots, not den item slots. :L
Page 5:

Yet another "popular rares" page. I don't see Rare Chicken Hats that much, who knew they were "popular"? They also have some 3D art of the golden member gloves.

Page 6:

This week is "Adoption Week", a week-long tribute to adopting pets.
There is also a video with Dr. Tierney This with a special message about pets.

A lot of stuff aren't their normal sizes, like the royal capes...
Now, EVERY SINGLE clothing item is 3D! I think it looks so
cool. Now, let's move on. Now, there are more animal sloots!

Also, the enw emoticons in speech bubbles have come! Just type something
like.......The Summer Carnival is cool :) And instead of: :) It turns into a smiley face
emoticon! Cool, am I right? :-) But the emotes look a little too small, and some of them look
a little weird and messed up.

There is a new item in the den items section of Epic Wonders:

That's all for now jammerz! Bye! :-)

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